In other words, we do the hard work for you by managing every element of your virtual AGM.

We manage Registration Speakers Voting Q&A Recording

Our experienced virtual events team works with you to help deliver a seamless virtual AGM at every step of the way, from planning and delivery to post-event reporting.

Virtual AGMs have a range of associated challenges and complexities. The ability to manage your meeting end-to-end, ensure accessibility for all participants, coordinate members engagement, and deliver a professional meeting virtually are some of the critical elements that organisations need to consider when choosing a suitable virtual AGM provider.

Ask yourself these Our Team

  • How many hosts/speakers will be involved?
  • Will any of my hosts/speakers present a slide show?
  • What is the proposed duration of my AGM?  
  • How much time should I allow for each part of my event?
  • What are my legal obligations?
  • What is my budget?



  • How many speakers will there be?
  • How many guests will be invited to attend my AGM?
  • How will my guests join the AGM? Audio only, video only (via a web link), or both?
  • Do my guests need to vote on resolutions?
  • Do I want to run a Q&A session either before, after and/or during voting?

How we can Help You


All event invitations and registrations will be done by us

Help Desk

Team available throughout the virtual AGM to provide live support

Live Q&A session

Where audience members will have the opportunity to 'raise their hand' and speak directly with the presenter to ask their question.


Team will assist with the online voting segment

Custom Branding

Make your virtual annual general meeting your own with your branding and help your audience easily recognise your event.

Event Recording

Complete Event recording Start to Finish.

AGM's Recently Held Virtually

Our managed virtual event service allows you to Engage and Interact with your Audience, facilitated by our specialist events team

Don't waste time!


Visit Us

61, Radheya, Plot 359, 14th Rd, Khar, Mumbai, 4000 52

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